Tuesday, 19 August 2014


Be yourself they always say, Stop standing that way
Wear this outfit its better, Take this path is faster,
Who told you to do it that way that’s just wrong, do it this way instead but remember always be yourself (smiley face)
What does that really mean, am told to be myself but everywhere I turn I get opinions that alter all together what I would prefer, am demanded to make changes that suits another person’s opinion, does the opinion of another define who I am? , the standards and values presented by the social media, CNN, channel O, style network or E and the latest not so real reality shows telling me this is the real way of living. And the driving force still falls back on who is watching, what will people say, and am still expected to be myself. So I followed the rules, I obeyed the commandments, I changed my slang and I even altered my name to fit in but still I had identity crises. Never fully fitting in, and I remained a stranger in a familiar system.  Then there was an election and a  change.

What are you feeling like?
Who does she thinks she is?
 rebels to the world's system are asked these question when they decide  to be different because they no longer live for another person, their values change , their lifestyle is different and when the world system comes around  it does not recognize the person standing in front of it, the world realizes its reflection is no longer in that person, instead there is a different reflection
Instead of the reflection of fear the world sees boldness, lack was replaced with abundance, in the place of struggle is grace, and in the place of bitterness there was a full dose of joy, the person is surrounded with an aroma of love and peace.
I saw the world system lean in very curious and in an attempt to recognize who is standing and whispers 
With confidence I squared up and I answered I am the daughter of the Most High God.

Walking away singing ‘I know who I am “

Thursday, 14 August 2014

What are you saying today?
Father and Mother what are you saying to your children and what are you allowing others say to them, husband and wife what are you saying to each other, what are you saying to your in-laws, friends what are you saying to each other, boyfriend girlfriend what are you saying to each other? Most importantly what are you saying to yourself?
Do your words empower, encourage, assure, who you are speaking to? Or do your words criticize, depress and manipulate who you speak to?

Who do you listen to? Who do you allow speak into your life, whose words of wisdom ring at the back of your head when you need an advice is it the person who says "you will never succeed" or the person who says "you are the head and not the tail.''
Watch what you say, watch what names you call yourself and the people around you, and watch what you say about your country, your state, your governor, your surroundings, your family, YES WATCH WHAT YOU SAY. Because we are speaking beings, God created us that way, life and death is at the power of the tongue, how you stir your tongue determines where and how your journey will be,  renew your words with the word of the Lord daily, watch what you say and what people say to you, words don’t die, words are powerful. My pastor always tells us WORDS DON’T DIE.