Saturday, 13 September 2014


They always say the good days are gone, I remember listening to some senior citizens talking about how the educational system was during their time, in the university they had meal tickets, school fees was less than N100, they had their laundry done for them, and am sure they gave them their book and no knows maybe cloths sef  lol. I remembered mentioning that they are the REAL AJE BUTTERS. All these sound amazing but I am sure they had their challenges and dissatisfaction but they pulled through, and today they are mentors of another generation whose way of life and challenges were totally different from theirs.
I watched a clip where children from the ages of 5-10 where presented with the box telephone, remember the one you have to dial by putting your finger in each digit, then you roll it to the end and back again(don’t deny it I know you remember), well it so happens the children had no idea  how to use it, they laugh and wondered what it was, it was funny that was when I realised I was no longer the child, am now the adult and I get to tell them about my school days and the kind of music I listened to and how music nowadays does not make sense, the fashion is now terribly etc. (sigh)
Looking at the generations past, present and future, with their different testimonies, benefits, challenges, way of life, type of music, governmental system, how communication can be difficult between them due to the age gap, never fully understanding each other’s values and reasoning it can be frustrating most especially when you are trying to work together, with all that I realise the bible is the same and it applies to them all.
The bible does not diminish, it does not change in style   or try to remain culturally relevant, the bible does not require a face lift, or a remix, no need for marketers or adverts , the truth remains that the bible deals with every challenge, I mean every challenge, answers are found there, ideas, songs, policies, way of life, its literally the gold mine,
so if you want answers (gold) you have to dig into the word, I challenge you to read the bible today. It’s the one thing that keeps us ALL together, old, young, and not so old not so young, no matter what generation you fall in the bible is still relevant to your generation.

Never have I heard anyone say during my days the bible was so so so and so, the word is consistent and sure, reliable and true, backed with results.

 Read the bible today, it will bless you.

Celebrate you all.

Thursday, 11 September 2014


The bus stop is just what the name implies, a BUS STOP
Despite the stop; it happens to be a transitional point to another destination , a worldwide connection of different destination points, connected by a bus stop i strongly believe the six degree of separation applies here.
The first thing you will notice when you get to a bus stop is the symphony of activity; its environment carries an aura of matter  where you sit, stand or where you  spend the night(bed and breakfast) you know fully well thousands have been there before and thousands would still visit that exact spot. the chatter never stops, hawkers with their unique marketing strategies, the ladies selling food (mama put), the roasted meat seller (mai Suya), the mechanic, the bus conductor looking for change, and occasionally the group of men discussing the latest football match at the newspaper stand, and of cause not to forget the smaller groups who get in a fight or two, the money doublers, the list goes on, just fill in the blanks.
The drama at a bus stop is so interesting, and fascinating one thing I notice about this particular place is that no matter how delicious the meal is, how comfortable the vehicle is, how danceable the music being played is the passenger never stays there, the passenger would not say hmmmmm I like this place I think I will settle down here. The passenger always passes. The best the bus stop can get from a passenger is a short term patronage and a quick farewell, the same thing happens every time a passenger arrives at the bus stop.

The bus stops in life are no different, identify every bus stop in your life, don’t set camp, don’t lay a permanent foundation, make the most of it and when it’s time to move its time, no excuses, no delay, no procrastination, don’t listen to the voices of those who choose to remain at the bus stop, don’t get carried away by the activity and how close you are with them, your journey is different, when your vehicle is ready to leave, say a quick Farwell and head to your next level. Selah

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

                                          BE A LOVER NOT A JUDGE

Their voices so loud, once cheerful faces turned red in anger clouded with judgment, I thought they loved me” she thought. Her heart beating so fast, tears stung at her eyes at how she felt, a mixture of guilt, fear, shame, exhaustion, loneliness etc all at once, I need to get out of here,

 I need to run away, what should I do, who do I talk to, all these emotions bottled up in her and no one could sense her frustration, instead they were all focused on making their individual eloquent points.
Then her opportunity came, in a blink of an eye the group without realising the subject of their discussion was gone, where she went they wondered after a long time no one found her, they continued the meeting discussing other issues on the agenda like nothing happened, they was a move to adjourn and the meeting ended as they shared the grace in fellowship.
Ann found herself all alone wondering what she would do, she was thrown out by her family, where she was told over and over again IT DOES NOT MATTER what you have done God’s forgiveness is available to wash it all away, you are welcome and we love you just as you are, your past is washed away, but they did not mention the silent rule which states that IF YOU MESS UP AGAIN AND WE FOUND OUT YOU ARE GOING TO BE AN OUTCAST. So Ann went back to where she was familiar with, back to the world system at the vulnerable state she was in, with no one to guide her through the challenge she was facing. She went back to where no one judged her; instead she received wrong counsel, which yielded several outcomes and months later the word came out,
Became the conversation opener, hmmmmm she now clubs, drinks, smokes and is dating a cultist, can you imagine? And I thought she was a Christian ohhh, so all that time she was raising up holy hands it was in pretence, smh what a pity, I knew something was up with her, I SENSED IT IN MY SPIRIT. I even heard she is not prostituting, hmmm you did not hear it from me ohhh etc.
Love each other in the Lord, do not judge one another, correct each other in love, guiding each other, that way we grow strong, but if we continue to point fingers at each other to determine who is worst then we are wrong. Proverbs 27v17
If you are still wondering what Ann the character did instead of concentrating on the message on this write up then you are wrong The grace of God is more than enough for us ALL, we have no right to judge anyone. Matthew 7v1-6(msg Version).

Love each other at all times. Show love at all times,pray for each other at all times. And when in a position and for some reason love seems far from you, then you should ask God to help you. And His love that surpasses all understanding definitely will envelope that point wash the person with the word of God.( :)
Replace judgment with love and mercy. May God help us all.

I celebrate you all.