Thursday, 11 September 2014


The bus stop is just what the name implies, a BUS STOP
Despite the stop; it happens to be a transitional point to another destination , a worldwide connection of different destination points, connected by a bus stop i strongly believe the six degree of separation applies here.
The first thing you will notice when you get to a bus stop is the symphony of activity; its environment carries an aura of matter  where you sit, stand or where you  spend the night(bed and breakfast) you know fully well thousands have been there before and thousands would still visit that exact spot. the chatter never stops, hawkers with their unique marketing strategies, the ladies selling food (mama put), the roasted meat seller (mai Suya), the mechanic, the bus conductor looking for change, and occasionally the group of men discussing the latest football match at the newspaper stand, and of cause not to forget the smaller groups who get in a fight or two, the money doublers, the list goes on, just fill in the blanks.
The drama at a bus stop is so interesting, and fascinating one thing I notice about this particular place is that no matter how delicious the meal is, how comfortable the vehicle is, how danceable the music being played is the passenger never stays there, the passenger would not say hmmmmm I like this place I think I will settle down here. The passenger always passes. The best the bus stop can get from a passenger is a short term patronage and a quick farewell, the same thing happens every time a passenger arrives at the bus stop.

The bus stops in life are no different, identify every bus stop in your life, don’t set camp, don’t lay a permanent foundation, make the most of it and when it’s time to move its time, no excuses, no delay, no procrastination, don’t listen to the voices of those who choose to remain at the bus stop, don’t get carried away by the activity and how close you are with them, your journey is different, when your vehicle is ready to leave, say a quick Farwell and head to your next level. Selah

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